Before purchasing the best caravan steps out there, you have to do some thorough research or seek professional help from the experts to get it right the first time. The Dometic Folding step 9108400913 is an ideal choice for outdoor lovers and adventurers looking to save as much packing space as possible while setting off on their vacation.
This caravan step has some obvious advantages over all the other products on the list. The first one being the storage and the second one being ideal step height. This stable step has its legs further apart to give a compact folded height. It has a very decent non-skid tread and only weighs a couple of pounds for easy transportation. As compared to solid caravan steps, the Dometic Folding step 9108400913 is a secure option as it offers more convenience to potential buyers. It is very easy to pack, and once popped up, delivers a solid foundation for your family members wherever required.
The unit is purpose-designed to give you a safe entry and exit from your RV, caravan, and motorhome. While traveling, anyone can easily fold it up under its framework in one swift action. Its heavy-duty frame can easily hold up to 225kg weight. It is easy to install and only needs bolting to the underside of the chassis.
With his product and its advanced features, you can now enjoy your caravan life with ease. The unit is made from strong aluminum material and can be relied upon for heavy individuals